Minimum online order of 50$
Please allow 24 to 48 hours to process your order
Taxes are not included in the prices displayed. Some items are subject to applicipble taxes and will be charged at store level.
Check out the following link to find the Adonis Market nearest you: Find Us - Adonis Market
No, you must order at least 24 hours in advance. For last minute orders, please call your local Adonis store .
We do not offer a delivery service. Orders must be picked up in store.
Various areas of our website use encryption (Login page, My Account pages and the Checkout process) so that your personal information cannot be read as it passes over the Internet. A padlock appears in the corner of your web browser when you are using encryption and our website address changes to HTTPS.
Once your order is processed, you will receive an email as well as a call from a representative from your local Adonis store.
Currently, online payment is not available. Payment should be done in store at the time of pick up.